How Much Does Shipping Cost?

The shipping cost will depend on the final order weight and destination.

Do You Offer Returns?

Unfortunately as a small business we do not offer returns or exchanges. As items are vintage and preloved, there may be natural signs of wear. Please read the full item description before purchasing.

How Long Does Shipping Take?

Orders to the UK are shipped using Royal Mail 48 Hours. International Orders are sent Royal Mail Tracked 9 to 12 business days.

Please allow 1-3 days for processing.

How Can I Track My Order?

A Fulfilment email will be sent to you once your order has been shipped. The email will contain a tracking number that you can copy and track it using royal mail.

Do I Have To Pay Customs If I Am An International Customer?

Unfortunately, we are not responsible for any custom fees that may apply to international orders. If the customer does not pay the customs fee and the parcel is returned to us we will not be able to refund you the original postage cost.

What Should I Do If I Put The Wrong Address?

If your order has already been shipped out then there is nothing we can do about this. If your order gets returned back to us then we can issue a refund (not including the original postage cost). However , if the parcel is not returned back to us then we will not be able to issue you a refund.

If your order has not been sent out then we may be able to change it to the correct address. Please email us if this is the case.